What a surprise: now that President Obama is soon to be replaced by Donald Trump, the “experts” who made up his cabinet are now admitting that they spent the last eight years cooking the books.
For the duration of his time in office, Americans were led to believe that all was well and that the administration was doing a capable job of leading the country. This impression was helped in no small part by the selective coverage of individuals who worked in Obama’s White House, with those who continued to act as partisans for the president like David Axelrod given platforms for their views and those who were more critical like Leon Panetta ignored and written off.
With the Republicans set to seize the reins of power again however, it appears that the rats are beginning to leave the ship, so to speak.
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Most of us were not fooled, only the Obama worshipers.
Part time jobs that’s what he created.
nothing new here folks…move along…We’ve got work to do, making America great again !
He created a job less working class. You know people living off our hard work because they feel intitlements are a retirement choice.
Part time is not a job Hussein You have been living off of us for 10 yrs an getting rich FORFEIT your pension you have enough of our money
We already knew this, we are the deplorables who are just trying to exist.
Obama’s are living the Life on taxpayer backs, and have the audacity to insult Americans by calling us Racists!
Only in America can a Black Man become President solely because of the Color of his Skin and not because of his honorable character!
bs he did nothing for the american people his concern was for foreign and illegal people
The only jobs he has created is that the extermination crew will have to get rid of the cockroaches in the White House
Everything about his administration is a lie… From his birth certificate to his job numbers!