What a surprise: now that President Obama is soon to be replaced by Donald Trump, the “experts” who made up his cabinet are now admitting that they spent the last eight years cooking the books.
For the duration of his time in office, Americans were led to believe that all was well and that the administration was doing a capable job of leading the country. This impression was helped in no small part by the selective coverage of individuals who worked in Obama’s White House, with those who continued to act as partisans for the president like David Axelrod given platforms for their views and those who were more critical like Leon Panetta ignored and written off.
With the Republicans set to seize the reins of power again however, it appears that the rats are beginning to leave the ship, so to speak.
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No$#%&!@*sherlock, everyone knows he created nothing
Obama’s jobs numbers are so misleading. Since Obamacare forced companies to cut everybody’s hours or pay their insurance, some people are taking a couple of those jobs just to make ends meet.
F**e b******t jobs. Part time or phantom jobs. Obama did nothing but give money to refugees and illegals. He did nothing for the American Citizens. What type of leader sabotages his whole Country?
Part time due to Obama care
He is a clown on the right and a joker on the left.
Why should it be any different for us than POTUS, with all the golf and activities he did at taxpayers expense, he pretty much only worked part time!
They cooked the books on Obama’s approval ratings also!
See the thing is if your not a liberal you knew this. The msm knew it but of course wouldn’t print it. Odipshit knew it to
I follow this page so I can click on the article and read it. This clicking again to finish article is b******t.