What a surprise: now that President Obama is soon to be replaced by Donald Trump, the “experts” who made up his cabinet are now admitting that they spent the last eight years cooking the books.
For the duration of his time in office, Americans were led to believe that all was well and that the administration was doing a capable job of leading the country. This impression was helped in no small part by the selective coverage of individuals who worked in Obama’s White House, with those who continued to act as partisans for the president like David Axelrod given platforms for their views and those who were more critical like Leon Panetta ignored and written off.
With the Republicans set to seize the reins of power again however, it appears that the rats are beginning to leave the ship, so to speak.
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Everyone knew that except him.
They were 97% part time , low paying jobs and some of the employees were counted twice
He didn’t create anything but LIES and TROUBLE!!!
Nothing new. The department of labor was cooking the numbers.
Those looking for work and those working already knew this. It’s only news to those not attempting to work.
Hey Obama, welfare is not a job, so stop using this in your calculations of job creation.
We all know that it’s the liberals that have no sense of reality
what I really want to know how much did they spend on themselves, and where did the money for the mansions come from……
Friday weather forecast 46 and sunny in Washington DC for TRUMP Day, and flushing the toilet of turdBall Barrack Hussain obozo!!!