Legal scholar William C. Bradford, was forced to resign from his position as an instructor of law at West Point. He has privately circulated a draft of an unpublished law review article entitled “Alea Iacta Est: The U.S. Coup of 2017.”
An abstract of that essay posted to Bradford’s LinkedIn page sets up a scenario in which a U.S. president – presumably, Barack Obama – becomes an undisguised “tyrant” who must be replaced by a military junta. More of the alleged uprising on the next page:
Just talk,only talk.Get a life stop the chatter, it goes no where, what’s the point?
If we try to overthrow, Obama would declare martial law and we would never get rid of him.. What a shame America has become because of one black man that is a Muslim..
If this rather stupid Obummer tries to grab dictatory power everymans hands will rise against him and depose him. Life sentence in jail will follow. If he escapes the hangmans noose.
Please do it!!
A topic every American should be writing about and talking about.
Well said sir
You know there is only one answer…….you figure it out
Josh, I only battle with the best…..sorry you lose.
Where do we sign up?
*slow clapping*