Legal scholar William C. Bradford, was forced to resign from his position as an instructor of law at West Point. He has privately circulated a draft of an unpublished law review article entitled “Alea Iacta Est: The U.S. Coup of 2017.”
An abstract of that essay posted to Bradford’s LinkedIn page sets up a scenario in which a U.S. president – presumably, Barack Obama – becomes an undisguised “tyrant” who must be replaced by a military junta. More of the alleged uprising on the next page:
Yes, I am an atheist, Layne. I’m not sure how that equates to me being ignorant, but whatever. The Bible is full of nonsense that a child wouldn’t believe. A talking snake, a woman made from a rib, an old guy who made a boat and put two of every animal in the world on it (this despite the fact that we are still discovering new species all the time), miracles, resurrection. Religion feeds on ignorance. Just because you think your imaginary man in the sky has given you all the answers doesn’t mean you actually have them. Truth needs to be actively sought after. It doesn’t get handed to you in the form of a book written by superstitious, scientifically ignorant, bronze age people who lived millennia ago on the other side of the world.
It’s a shame and an embarrassment to the US, that Obamam has been allowed to stay in office just because he was the first back resident. And will go down in History if they record it correctly as the worse resident.
To all those spitting vomit regurgitated from the MSM, Indian or Non-Indian alike, stop and pause a moment.
The far bigger issue here is that since 9/11 Washington has usurped individual citizen rights and nearly overnight turned the government from a once democratic republic into a fascist totalitarian police state and the oppressed, abused American people are fast reaching the breaking point of armed rebellion, all by carefully plotted federalist/globalist design. The central powers’ sinister game has been to intentionally push fed up Americans over the edge with each passing year its militarized police force continuing to terrorize and murder mounting numbers of unarmed Americans (over a thousand in 2015 alone), launching an all-out war against its own citizens of every political persuasion on both left and right by lumping them together to identify the whole lot as so called “radicalized extremists.” This long awaited, plotted scenario sets the stage for the next major false flag crisis to break out, giving more than ample enough excuse for the feds to use deadly force to quell the citizen uprising and subsequently spread civil disturbance across the nation in order to declare martial law that will readily pave the way toward one world government and ultimately formalize a New World Order slavery over the entire human species on this planet.
If “We The People” are to win this……we are going to have to cooperate and confront the elephant in the room.
So where are all the veterans, past and present, who swore an oath to to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. “We the People” demand you honor your oath….
The defense of the Constitution requires members of the Armed Forces to disobey illegal orders. And, in the case of alleged treasonous acts, members of the Armed Forces are constitutionally bound to arrest such offenders. (See The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, 64 Stat. 109, 10 U.S.C. §§ 801–946).
There is NO EXPIRATION DATE, the oath is for an indeterminate period; no duration is specifically defined, none…… All it requires is for those who have taken their oaths of office to act on what they swore they would actually do.
If you can’t/won’t honor your oath of service or participate in an honest dialog, then you are hereby charged with Dereliction of Duty and possibly Treason…
The best analysis of this situation I have read…..By Joachim Hagopian
The problem is civil obedience
Please… the Declaration of Independence, the constitution, the amendments and the federalist papers…..
We are missing the points we need to be focused on in order to call upon the ones who took the oath to defend AND protect the constitution and address their dereliction to do so.
Come back and let’s discuss how to confront the elephant in the room….before we all loose the promise, the agreement we accepted as our constitution.
Don’t talk act!
Our militia and the second amendment were designed to fight off this very tyrannical situation .. What has happened is that the military industrial complex has become part of the Corp coup.
They are under WH DC orders ..
It is time they stand with the people of not .
Something needs to be done!
Amen .. Thank you .. By definition he is part of the military as commander in chief .. Court martial him for breaking the law !
I am amazed each day when I wake up and do not hear of him being bum rushed to the nearest tree.
Tim Philpot I would love to see your verified information
Gitter’ DONE!