Legal scholar William C. Bradford, was forced to resign from his position as an instructor of law at West Point. He has privately circulated a draft of an unpublished law review article entitled “Alea Iacta Est: The U.S. Coup of 2017.”
An abstract of that essay posted to Bradford’s LinkedIn page sets up a scenario in which a U.S. president – presumably, Barack Obama – becomes an undisguised “tyrant” who must be replaced by a military junta. More of the alleged uprising on the next page:
He is a mulatto, which means half white, half black…! Which race is getting preference?
David Agema (R-Michigan) has introduced a Resolution in support of Proper Articles of Impeachment (see link) There is also a video on youtube that explains more, (see link) Please share with everyone you know, the more people that know and contact their GOP for their state, the better. If we the people pressure the GOP, perhaps BO and co-conspirators will get impeached/expelled.
NALC: Impeachment Resolution Introduced at RNC
RedFlag News
Josh Edward Beatty. Judging from your ignorance you must be an atheist. You already stated that most of the gun crimes were done with ILLEGAL firearms. Therefore more gun control cannot work. They are called criminals for a reason. They obtain their gun ILLEGALLY henceforth gun control laws WILL NOT work against them. The proof is in the pudding as they say. Look at Paris France. There ARE no gun stores in France yet all those people died at the hands of ARMED ISIS murderers just the same. Gun control laws only work in favor of criminals and dictators. If somehow you can’t grasp that then start choosing your Muslim name now because it’s coming.
Sandra Foust Geimer
Please do this soon! He has spit in our face long enough! Yep he tricked us by using a f**e black card! Get him out I don’t care how!
He should have been impeached long ago! Rolly
Gayle Dodge Scott’s from CALIFORNIA….
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