Legal scholar William C. Bradford, was forced to resign from his position as an instructor of law at West Point. He has privately circulated a draft of an unpublished law review article entitled “Alea Iacta Est: The U.S. Coup of 2017.”
An abstract of that essay posted to Bradford’s LinkedIn page sets up a scenario in which a U.S. president – presumably, Barack Obama – becomes an undisguised “tyrant” who must be replaced by a military junta. More of the alleged uprising on the next page:
Tightly controlled by whom?
Yes really- think Hillary. Lots of slow play in motion .
Be serious!
Isn’t it a little late for that ?
What is white privilege and were do I get some? All I see is black privilege, rave baiting, riots and handouts.
Ohhh, I get it now! White privilege is where I have the privilege to provide for all that! Guess I need to find some of that black privilege or Muslim privilege. Anything but white privilege! Oh no! SMDH
an overthrow is guite a good idea!
Pay idiots like Scott no mind! People like him really are a curse to our once great country! They make me sick!
Say anything against the obamas and presto you are………. where