Legal scholar William C. Bradford, was forced to resign from his position as an instructor of law at West Point. He has privately circulated a draft of an unpublished law review article entitled “Alea Iacta Est: The U.S. Coup of 2017.”
An abstract of that essay posted to Bradford’s LinkedIn page sets up a scenario in which a U.S. president – presumably, Barack Obama – becomes an undisguised “tyrant” who must be replaced by a military junta. More of the alleged uprising on the next page:
Get him out of office now
God allowed him, so I, lltrust God knows, and knows I don, t have to like it, but I do trust god!
What took so long for people to wake up ?? Obama & Valerie should never steps foot in we the people White House …..
The$#%&!@*is going to hit the fan come summer. Hope everyone is read. Brush up on your Russian, Chinese , Persian and any other language you can. The government is going to hit us and hit us hard. Be ready. Our government has turned against us and are going to kill many of us. We have been sold down the river. Obama is not going anywhere anytime soon. There will be martial law and we will be like the other third world countries with dictators. Hope everyone is ready. And for all you liberals that helped this happen. I hope you all fry in hell.
I know all the liberals will reply all their same old b******t because because they love their leader.
Yes it is going to get really bad and many will die. But we the people will win and everyone that has had their hands in the attempted overthrow of this country will pay. They better me making arrangements with other countries to go too because they will not stay here. We will take our country back and rid it from all the low life’s that are against it.
The time is coming for all true Americans to stand up and come together and become one. It will be nasty but if we stand together as one we will win. Good luck God bless.
Annamarie you are so right
I guess that’s why he’s a former teacher. Posting what is purely a racist and treasonist paper would be a great reason to fire him. Freedom of speech is one thing but a paper that claims it to be ok to rise up in arms against a duly elected president is nothing but treason. At least in Nixons case he had broken the law on many occasions. He had circumvented the constitution, where as Obama has not. Regardless of his race IF he had broken the law congress being a republican controlled house he would have been gone the first time he did anything impeachable. But he has not. I DO NOT agree with efpverything he has done , but, he did everything by the law.
The only traitor here is you! Obummer should have been removed years ago…what an idiotic Libtards statement.
Our commander and chief has lost the support of the military. He has passed laws local elected sheriffs refuse to enforce. I sure hope it is a bloodless cou
Our military has proved they lack the balls to remove set tyrant. Look at the list of Muslim radicals in power in Washington today. Only one way to cleanse this one great nation, the radical islamic plaque must be removed from within….
do it,this is a liar and traitor,how can he not be held responciable for his treason and actions against all we the people and constatution under God this country was founded on.and bring in a countrys destruction to replace our constatution, Not Americas values at all,Only thing I can make of this is a threat to our country and the people he took an oath to protect insted of destroy, liar and traitoralso our Christians being killed as he will not give them our countrys protection just the invaders that threaten to kill us if we do not convert, do it,