Former Trump Adviser: CNN Banned Me “on the demands of the Clintonistas”

Some, however, probably buy the explanation that CNN simply objected to the language Stone used in his tweets and not the viewpoints he expressed. News outlets absolutely have a right to not invite guests who foul language on their shows, but if it’s profanity that CNN objects to, why is Stone being singled out as it continues to host a critic of Donald Trump who makes statements that are just as strong as Stone’s?

Stone also suggested that him “exposing Bill Clinton’s serial rapes and Hillary’s bullying” had “gotten under the skin” of Democratic political strategist and Hillary ally David Brock.

CNN did not slap a ban on GOP consultant Rick Wilson after he suggested that Ann Coulter was a prostitute and that Donald Trump paid her for “anal”. Wilson also remarked that the GOP establishment would have to “put a bullet in Donald Trump” to stop his momentum.

Wilson is a regular guest on CNN, who labeled him “Trump’s hardcore hater” during a September 2015 appearance.

Ann Coulter pointed out the flagrant double standard.

It appears that CNN may have taken advantage of Stone’s profane tweets and used them as an excuse to get the former Trump advisor off the air because he has proven to be such an effective cheerleader for The Donald’s campaign and is causing damage to Hillary’s presidential aspirations.

Source: Infowars





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