Former President of Shell Oil Refutes Obama: ‘He Had Nothing To Do With It”

On Thursday, former president of Shell Oil Company John Hofmeister went on Fox Insider to refute former President Barack Obama’s assertion that he was responsible for America’s oil production boom.

“American energy production — you wouldn’t always know it, but it went up every year I was president,” Obama said on Tuesday. “That whole, suddenly America’s, like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people.”

“The facts are the facts. And, yes, the production did increase throughout his term,” Hofmeister said. “But, frankly, he had nothing to do with it.”

“This was production in states like Texas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado — North Dakota in particular. And these were all state decisions made with industry applications for permits. The federal government had no role.”

“If anything, he was trying to frustrate the efforts by taking federal lands off of the availability list — putting them just, no more drilling [sic]. He shut down the Gulf of Mexico for a period of six months,” he said. “[He] changed the regulations from an average of 60 to 80 pages per permit to 600 to 800 pages per permit. He also never approved the Keystone XL pipeline after dangling all the potential customers for eight years. And it was in the eighth year when he said no Keystone Pipeline.”

“I would say that he was not a leader when it comes to energy,” Hofmeister said.



  1. Chris
  2. Rebecca melton

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