Former Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler admitted on the Fox’s The Alan Colmes Show this week that he worked for certain federal agencies to produce YouTube videos lambasting liberals and supporting the 2nd Amendment in the most aggressive manner possible in order to attract, infiltrate and take down patriot, pro-Second Amendment groups.
everybody remember this face and never forget it i am glad they showed us all his picture i will never forget this face
Couldn’t uncover any jihadi training camps though, could he?
Incredible. So wrong, Dear God what is happening to this country?
Scum bag American traitor!
This is a joke right?
He is a coward who allowed himself to be used in an attempt to subvert the Constitution. Of course, he won’t be prosecuted for his libelous acts by the communists currently in control of the government.
We have the right to form armed militia as laid down in our Constitution. If the “Feds” don’t like it then, they can get shot as well. That’s why we have that right, to shoot people that threaten our freedom and American way of life, including the “Feds” lol.
That’s a violation of the constitution by the Non-Oath keepers.
This is all the more reason to remember, never let anyone draw you in to a discussion of illegal activity. There are collaborators and agents provocateur all over the place.
And just how far do you trust a cop?I gave him the benefit of the doubt,but never gave any info,never trusted him.I figured we’d all see his true colors in due time.I hope people have learned their lesson.