Former Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler admitted on the Fox’s The Alan Colmes Show this week that he worked for certain federal agencies to produce YouTube videos lambasting liberals and supporting the 2nd Amendment in the most aggressive manner possible in order to attract, infiltrate and take down patriot, pro-Second Amendment groups.
He should go under cover in the ISIS movement and find the Jihadists befor they strick , Salf clean work .
Is he still alive?
Isn’t this what cops do?
Traitor, I guess he supports NOBAMABOLA!!!
They called them turn coats I believe
As the founder of the 5th brigade of the ohio unorganized milita, i’d have never let such a dufus join my org.
yep, he’s a PIG
what goes around comes around
Mark Kessler is a traitor. If, I was his mother or father I would disown him. Only the worse kind of a traitor does that to his own people. By his actions, who could ever trust him? Any employer should have issues with a person that can’t be trusted.
What a butt wipe.. Where was this?