Former Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler admitted on the Fox’s The Alan Colmes Show this week that he worked for certain federal agencies to produce YouTube videos lambasting liberals and supporting the 2nd Amendment in the most aggressive manner possible in order to attract, infiltrate and take down patriot, pro-Second Amendment groups.
If you find him looking for help…don’t.
Well shame on you , you are nothing more or less than a traitor to your country .
everytime your computer is on OBAMA is Listening……
One question to this piece of c**p: why would you do this?
Back stabbing p***k
Let Me guess You spend alot of time under Obama’s desk .
Where is hell anyways?
S$#%&!@* will burn in hell for treason against your fellow man! Sad that good Americans are demonized when the bad guys allow all to suffer but could do right, and don’t…
Short rope long drop problem solved