Former Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler admitted on the Fox’s The Alan Colmes Show this week that he worked for certain federal agencies to produce YouTube videos lambasting liberals and supporting the 2nd Amendment in the most aggressive manner possible in order to attract, infiltrate and take down patriot, pro-Second Amendment groups.
Just another anti American traitor
He is a true traitor.
leave the patriots alone you will need them sooner then you think. wake up fool they are the ones who will save us
Well good for you you trader!
New meaning to the word.
He found the groups to be more normal than the people that hired him.
The government paying former cops to make you tube videos to “out” pro 1nd amendment people? Uhhhh isn’t that in our cons$#%&!@*ution? Seems to me that if any group is peaceful and pro rights given to us by God and enumerated in the cons$#%&!@*ution, what exactly is going on? Who is wrong here?
He also was involved in the kids for cash scandal just a criminal
I hope they burn for a short while in hell to set them straight
He keeps saying that.. he can’t say who he was working for and he didn’t get paid and he wanted to do it because it was “bigger than me”.. isn’t that what terrorist say?