Former Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler admitted on the Fox’s The Alan Colmes Show this week that he worked for certain federal agencies to produce YouTube videos lambasting liberals and supporting the 2nd Amendment in the most aggressive manner possible in order to attract, infiltrate and take down patriot, pro-Second Amendment groups.
This is concerning
I am against what Obama has done to the country I dont care who knows,I wish him no harm but I dont think he will finish his second term its a prophecy from a long time ago.
Now that we know who this fool is and know he can’t be trusted with anything as he is a traitor to Patriotism. If you see him walk away as he is a Muslim Sym[sympathizer.
I hope he feels good about himself,for spying on patriots,because the people he did it for,apparently,are not patriots
You still call your self an American shameful.Sad .. 🙁
Need to keep this in mind
Why is he still breathing ?
Now that we know who this fool is and know he can’t be trusted with anything as he is a traitor to Patriotism. If you see him walk away as he is a Muslim sympathizer
Traitors to America.
Spying on your own people what have we become …COMMUNISTS????
A turncoat