Former Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler admitted on the Fox’s The Alan Colmes Show this week that he worked for certain federal agencies to produce YouTube videos lambasting liberals and supporting the 2nd Amendment in the most aggressive manner possible in order to attract, infiltrate and take down patriot, pro-Second Amendment groups.
When he gets taken out by a terrorists. He’ll wish those groups were stilled armed.
If they can become traitors from within then its time for patriots to infiltrate as well
i know the pensylvania poliece chief and hes a black man,name is nathan
He needs to be found floating face down in a pond.
Special retribution for special traitors. Maybe we can borrow some of ISIS methods.
Piece of junk…..Jerk..
UNEXPLAINED: How’s this for a conspiracy theory? Screenwriter David Crowley who was filming the movie GRAY STATE, which is an expose of the coming police state leading to FEMA Camps, was suddenly found DEAD with his wife and daughter in their home over Christmas. Authorities are calling it a “suicide”. Hmmm… #GrayState #FEMACamps #ConspiracyTheory
The holy spirit will convict the heart.