General Keith Alexander, former director of the NSA, recently announced on CNN that the US or Europe is sure to be hit by a terrorist attack.
We will experience this attack even after the NSA basically has the world under complete surveillance. And they need the attack, of course, to justify their actions.
Vodaphone, the worlds second largest mobile carrier, just stated that many governments have secret wires running into their systems – enabling them to easily listen to calls and even isolate customer locations.
Yet the NSA wants us to believe that they aren’t really collecting all our information.
One suggestion for the NSA, who is complaining that they are too inhibited by the Snowden revelations that exposed the extent of their spying…
If you really want to foil some terrorist plots:
Monitor the FBI.
The FBI, as cited by Judge Napolitano in a video below, creates and hatches terrorist plots so they can take credit for the bust.
If or whenit comes, I hope they hit an obama supporting state
Duh, ya think? Whether those inmates at Guantanamo were freed or not, it was going to happen. Hope fully we will be able to put a stop to it.
most likey caused by the presidents adminstration to try again to take our guns
No kidding, I hope it’s on DC and it happens be for all the rats can make it down their rat holes! Just maybe it would wake some of them up ! I doubt it !
It is only a matter of time, that is why they are cutting our military. Wake up before it is too late.
More scare tactics by this government. They could not stop the last three attacks by terrorist attacks 2 at Fort Hood And One at Boston after intelligence from Russia.
gee all that and they don’t stop the Boston bomber..whats next..tea leaves
If it does and the terrorists that the boy released are involved, the blood is on his hands.
we will have only Obama to blame then . so there will no one else but him to blame .. so wake up you people that voted him in and you people the keep kissing his butt . our family lives and homes and country are on your shoulders for letting this happen .