Former Muslim: Trump Inspired Me to Leave Islam, There are no “Moderate” or “Assimilated” Muslims

Former Muslim: Trump Inspired Me to Leave Islam, There are no “Moderate” or “Assimilated” Muslims

Donald Trump’s comments on Muslims living in the United States have been perhaps his most controversial. The moment he released his statement saying that the U.S. should stop all Muslims from entering the country, pundits claimed his campaign dead on-the-spot.

Of course, that never actually happened. If anything, Trump’s popularity among his supporters has only grown since the statement. Still, many assumed that the comments wouldn’t play well to the Muslim population.

If a recent post on Reddit is any indication, however, the opposite may be true. A young woman who had her entire life witnessed the extremism within the Muslim community not only refuses to be offended by Trump’s comments, but has come out and said that he is right to be suspicious.

She goes even further, as she endorsed Trump when he was a presidential candidate, claiming his knowledge of the Muslim movement is far more connected to reality than that of any of the other remaining candidates.

To see why she made this decision, continue reading on the next page:

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Former Muslim: Trump Inspired Me to Leave Islam, There are no “Moderate” or “Assimilated” Muslims