The heartbreaking attack in Manchester England carried out by a depraved radicalized Muslim terrorist, left 22 dead and 59 injured.
This depraved man’s name is Salman Abedi, the 22-year-old son of Libyan migrants known to authorities as having radical Islamic affiliations.
There is a reason President Trump’s message to Middle Eastern leaders in Saudi Arabia was both an unprecedented success and polarizing.
He was bold and unapologetic. He called out Muslims across the globe for failing to eradicate the extremists from their midst and denounce them as savage criminals.
Hamid Jan Kakar, a 29-year-old Afghan living in London firmly agrees with President Trump’s message. Kakar denounces the West for their stupidity in allowing unvetted migrants into their countries and publicly mandating people call Islam a “religion of peace.”
This isn’t our opinion. These are merely the words of a young Afghan man who grew up surrounded by the Taliban and witnessed 1st hand the unimaginable horrors of Sharia law.
Continue reading on the next page to see Kakar’s full testimony of the dangers awaiting anyone stupid enough to believe “terrorism doesn’t have anything to do with Islam”
There is no religious justification for terrorism.
President Trump has the best solution for returning the displaced individuals to their own land to live in an terror free environment.
Those terrorist sure as hell aren’t mormons or Catholics dumbass ! You don’t see the Amish blowing themselves up killing innocent people.
I just googled ‘terrorism’… It said, “See islam”!!!
Anti-blasphemy laws have been a massive victory for Muslims across the world, as now followers of Islam can have people who speak out or criticize their religion thrown into prison. We continue to hear horrifying stories coming out of Europe and Canada where citizens are being rounded up and jailed for speaking out against Islam, as courts are now turning their backs on their very own citizens in order to pander to the very group of people who want to kill them. Now breaking news is confirming that a Senator Marco Rubio has just gotten a bill passed in the Senate that will make speaking out against Muslims a crime, in a shocking move of treason towards the American people that will leave you speechless.
Funny how all these terrorist attacks except a very few were committed by muslims….More PC b******t trying to make us believe the lies of islam…..
That is absolutly true. Our government and media keep pumpoing it up as the two are the same. BUT, Throughout history there have been so many people that have not beem Muslim that have been terrorists. So don’t buy into the it’s a religious thing terrorist c**p. The Chinese have the highest human trafficing market in the world but are not being called terrorist even though they abuse woman and put them into positions of sexual slavery. The North Vietnameese used U.S. soldiers as slave labor and terrorized them during captivity during the war completely ignoring the Geneva convention rules and guildlines for trestment of prisoners of war. North Korea Is a country with a terrorist leader that is threatening all of it’s neighbors and the USA. Terrorism is not resticted to some Muslims. It is practiced around the world. by people of all faiths and nationalities. Sp let the truth be know.
The liberal and Dummycraps who think they know everything should talk to people who were actually there.