Former Muslim Living Under Taliban Warns “Terrorism Doesn’t Have Anything to do with Islam”

Hamid Jan Kakar is not a snowflake or afraid of being extensively vetted by immigration officials. In an interview with the Independent Journal Review, Kakar discusses his frustrations with Muslims being too afraid to confront the issue of radicalized terror.

“Even though I was only five, living under the Taliban is something I will always remember. They turned sports stadiums into slaughterhouses. Pregnant women were dying during delivery because there were no nurses or doctors to look after them and provide the adequate medical care. The only education you could get was about the history of Islam, and it was a fabricated history,” Kakar said.

Kakar also calls out the oft-repeated argument of the West being responsible for the violence and political instability of the Middle East for exactly what it is, liberal garbage.

“People say these things just started when the Jews occupied Israel and the Americans began to invade Middle Eastern lands. But at the beginning of Islam, after Mohammad died, there were four leaders. Only one of them died his own death.”

According to Kakar, Muslims and liberals alike are deranged for calling Islam a “religion of peace.”

“Muslims will have to acknowledge that it’s them that are the victims of terrorism, and it is their responsibility to recognize the fact that these terrorists are followers of Islam. Saying terrorism has no religion and Islam is a peaceful religion will not help.”

Kakar became a British citizen. However, that doesn’t mean he supports immigration as the solution to the problems in the Middle East.

“Afghanistan is where my heart is, it’s where my mother is buried, but in the U.K., I feel like a human being. If Afghanistan becomes a secular country one day, I would return,” he said.

President Trump received much flack for stating he had a greater picture plan for helping displaced Middle Eastern refugees. His vision is to help them return to their countries and build prosperous democratic nations free from radical terror.

That is also the vision of most displaced refuges. That is how out of touch liberals are with reality and the people they claim to be helping.

Hamid Jan Kakar is not the only brave soul forcefully doing his part to shut down the dangerous liberal rhetoric surrounding Islam and improperly vetted migration from radicalized Middle Eastern countries.

Said Abdullahi has also written extensively on the fundamental clash between the basic tenants of Islam and western democracy. He even goes as far as to present an eloquent legal case documenting how letting any Muslims immigrate is in strict violation of the U.S. Constitution.

President Trump’s tough stance on this polarizing issue is already proving to be highly effective for mobilizing former Muslims into standing-up against radical terror and the liberal agenda.

A 19 year-old former Muslim girl shared this after being embolden by then Candidate Trump’s firm and rational stance on radical Islam.

Let me tell you something right now, there are no “moderate muslims”. There are no “assimilated muslims”. Throughout my life, I have been to three different mosques regularly. Everyone there had some kind of animosity to America. Either they support jihadist actions outright or they refuse to condemn them, or they victim blame christians and the west. Every time theres a terrorist attack, all over the media there are reports of muslims who speak out against jihad or protest terrorists.


Source: Independent Journal Review 



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