Following recent actions by the Obama administration, many Americans are left wondering why the president seems content to allow so many foxes into the proverbial henhouse. In this case, the foxes are Islamic extremists and sympathizers and the henhouse is the intelligence and homeland security apparatus of the United States of America.
Many Americans are willing to give the president the benefit of the doubt and say that Barack Obama simply has a naïve and misguided view and strategy on how to combat radical Islamic extremism. Many others, however, believe that something far more sinister is afoot. These Americans believe that President Obama is a Manchurian Candidate and “jihadist in chief,” not a commander in chief.
Regardless of the president’s motivations, he continues to make national security decisions that should be alarming to even Barack Obama’s staunchest supporters. As if one Islamist extremist sympathizer advising the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was not enough, the president is now seeking advice on how best to combat terror from a former FBI agent who refused to wiretap his fellow Muslims back in 2002.
To read more about former agent Gamal Abdel-Hafiz’s role in DHS, as well as another Islamic extremist sympathizer — and DHS advisor — who claimed that 9/11 “changed the world for good,” continue on the next page:
Obama Is Officially The Worst President In American History! Hillary Would Be Even Worse! Keep the White House Hillary Free 2016! Keep the White House Hillary Free 2016! Yes I’m Right It’s Up To You RNC/GOP No Donald No Vote Period! Time For Your Members To Step Up And Fully Support Donald He Has Earned The Nomination By Defeating 16 Other Contenders. He Brought Out Record Numbers Of Republicans, Democrats & Independent Voters To Support Him As The Peoples Choice For President Of The United States Of America! Donald J. Trump 2016 Then He Will Put Obama In Gitmo & Hillary For Prison 2016!!!
Here’s another one you can get rid of once your elected , Mr. Trump !!!!!~
Of course, part of the obama family!!
Enemy spy within. Planted by Obama.
Fox/hen house?? And they want us to give up our guns??
most of the cabinet are Muslin, put in one by one, they are running our government, reason
obama has filled and even created jobs with almost 100% muslims like himself.
No surprise
You can’t fix STUPID!