LawNewz Staff is the anonymous writer/editor who works at an online magazine called Law Newz who apparently REALLY detests Trump and his family, including extended family members like Jared Kushner (sorry, LNS…I think I just made him/her throw up in his/her mouth).
“Larry Nancy Smith” was what I was going to call this Law Newz anonymous writer until I decided that New Newz’ Managing Editor Dan Abrams is actually Larry Nancy Smith. At any rate, let’s talk about how Abrams really has a particular distaste for Trump and his family, apparent through a single article that is not only dripping with seething disgust for them, but is also showing a particularly evident bias toward Special Counsel Robert Mueller who is currently leading the multiple investigations into Trump-Russia Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, Trump Finances, and Trump’s Tweeting Habits (the last one being my attempt at showing how ridiculous this is all sounding).
To say that this Russia crap is not resonating with Americans, let alone with his actual supporters (which make up HALF OF AMERICAN VOTERS, by the way) is a major disservice to people who respect the word “resonate,” because the Russia stories that make up (just at CNN) 93% of its broadcast day, and for which the Leftist fake news machine is still finding it impossible to gain a foothold in interest, are literally eliciting a huge collective yawn in the public.
Read on the following page about Abrams who makes a bold prediction about Special Counsel Robert Mueller and President Donald Trump that will give make your day that much brighter.
I do not see how Mueller will do anything good for President Trump. But the President has chosen some democrats to be in his cabinet. These people have to see they either get on the “Trump train” or will be flushed out in the “swamp”. I’m praying.
And it should be done in the next 100 minutes !!!
Trump is No Fool….He’s knows what he’s doing….Really smart,!!! because the way I see it ..Trump already knew the Wiretapping was going on…he let that out remember turns out that was true, Clinton ,Obama, James, Loretta, Clapper, Brenner, they are down in the SWAMP IN DEEP
Do you not listen to Lou Dobbs and Hannity and guests like Newt Gingrich? (He’s a HUGE Trump fan). Trump is new at all of this. He IS frustrated, angry, and yes, even intimidated, if only slightly. He doesn’t want to over reach his executive authority because that is what Obama always did and he doesn’t want to be known for doing that same thing. (Newt Gingrich’s words). The talk of impeachment at his every move, or backlash at his every (good) and necessary deed and those who should be guiding him with such important decisions aren’t doing so. There are the Obama leftovers he needs to get rid of, yet, after the firing of Comey and that backlash, even tho he was right and just to do so, has him hesitant, for whatever reason. He could do away with the 60 votes always needed to pass legislature in congress, but again, he doesn’t want to do that either, for various “fair” reasons. I’m not spewing c**p ML Coop. Pay attention to what is REALLY happening people. I love president Trump as our leader. I went from being a life long democrat to becoming a republican just to give him my vote. (I did NOT vote for Obama either time). If you listen to Hannity especially, Newt Gingrich is on often, and he tells it like it is where Trump is concerned, and a lot of it is just what I am saying here. The “c**p” he has had to deal with up to this point only makes him more determined, yes, but he’s still not where he needs to be as far as doing away with those he CAN do away with, for fear of the backlash. You don’t have to like hearing it, but at least face the reality of it.
should do it now and save a lot of money
Do you not listen to Lou Dobbs and Hannity and guests like Newt Gingrich? (He’s a HUGE Trump fan). Trump is new at all of this. He IS frustrated, angry, and yes, even intimidated, if only slightly. He doesn’t want to over reach his executive authority because that is what Obama always did and he doesn’t want to be known for doing that same thing. (Newt Gingrich’s words). The talk of impeachment at his every move, or backlash at his every (good) and necessary deed and those who should be guiding him with such important decisions aren’t doing so. There are the Obama leftovers he needs to get rid of, yet, after the firing of Comey and that backlash, even tho he was right and just to do so, has him hesitant, for whatever reason. He could do away with the 60 votes always needed to pass legislature in congress, but again, he doesn’t want to do that either, for various (silly) reasons. The man has got to tighten his belt and do what EVER might be necessary to start moving his agenda forward, with or w/o his party and congress. I’m not spewing c**p ML Coop. Pay attention to what is REALLY happening people. I love president Trump as our leader. I went from being a life long democrat to becoming a republican just to give him my vote. (I did NOT vote for Obama either time). If you listen to Hannity especially, Newt Gingrich is on often, and he tells it like it is where Trump is concerned, and a lot of it is just what I am saying here. The “c**p” he has had to deal with up to this point only makes him more determined, yes, but he’s still not where he needs to be as far as doing away with those people and issues he CAN do away with, for fear of the backlash. You don’t have to like hearing it, but at least face the reality of it. (Again, Newt Gingrich’s words .Also a guest on Lou Dobbs Thursday night said, too Trump will never fire Mueller, even tho he can, because of the political uproar that would follow. Not LEGAL uproar, but the political uproar that will happen if he were to fire Mueller. We will soon see if Trump wants to take on more backlash, or if he just continues to lay low and let this move forward, knowing there is nothing to be found…except for the evidence they might plant to give them ‘something to find’.
Not my Idea of a fair and balanced investigation. Just shows you they are going after President Trump. If they find anything on The Democrats, then it looks to me they can bury it. I don’t like it.
Drain the swamp
should have already