Law Newz Managing Editor Dan Abrams has a little secret. He’s also currently the Chief Legal Analyst for ABC News. Abrams was the long-time Chief Legal Correspondent for NBC News (so you’re beginning to see the very incestuous nature of his work among the top news corporations that make up the Associated Press) and he hosted his very own show over at MSNBC (The Abrams Report) while simultaneously working as its General Manager. He even did stints on Nightline and The View, believe it or not.
In 2009, he launched the website Mediaite, which he actually described as “appreciating the celebrity of the media.” So, if you’ve wondered where the media gets off being so defensive and angry about being relegated to the back of the White House Press Corps room when they themselves are the celebrities, you can see how this attitude is as pervasive as alligators and muck in Washington D.C.
In addition to his normal duties as legal analyst, he has also been pretty regularly published in the New York Times, Huffington Post, USA Today, The Daily Beast, and the Wall Street Journal, as well as a regular column in Men’s Health.
Talk about connections, Abrams’ own sister, Ronnie Abrams was nominated for a federal judgeship by Barack Hussein Obama in 2012. The guy should be walking around with a T-shirt that reads, “Big Fat Shill for the DNC.”
Is it any wonder that Abrams decided that within 100 days of yesterday, President Donald Trump would fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller? Who knew that ABC, NBC and MSNBC hated Donald Trump, right?
It is common knowledge that President Donald Trump isn’t happy with the Russia investigation. At all. Trump has now referred to the special counsel investigation as a “witch hunt” at least a dozen times on Twitter. Even after his nominee for FBI Director Christopher Wray declared on Wednesday that he did not see it as a witch hunt, Trump spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders stood by the President’s characterization. So what happened to the last guy who led the black hat and broom hunt into now confirmed Russian meddling in our election? Well that is, of course, the guy who Wray has been selected to replace. He was shown the front door.
So, you can already see where this is going. Because one of the men he nominated disagrees with him, somehow that fact disqualifies Donald Trump’s statement that this is a “witch hunt.” That sort of logic should then, I guess, be applied to, say, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch who fundamentally disagreed with the man who nominated her, Barack Hussein Obama. Here’s a little snippet of that disagreement during her confirmation hearing in 2015.
When Senator Jeff Sessions asked if she agreed with the president that alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana, Lynch responded, “I certainly don’t hold that view and don’t agree with that view of marijuana. I certainly think the president was speaking from his personal experience, personal opinion … neither of which I am able to share.”
Okay, so using Abrams’ logic, would that now mean that the infallible Barack Hussein Obama was, in fact, wrong on this issue? If Trump’s nominee disagreeing with Trump means that the President is wrong, doesn’t it mean that BHO’s nominee disagreeing with him means that BHO is wrong?
Lets be clear, it was extraordinary for the President to fire the FBI director. In fact, James Comey was only the second-ever to be fired in U.S. history. The President undoubtedly had the authority to do it but despite coming under fire during the 2016 election, Comey was long viewed as a fixture, a sometimes controversial but even-handed, non-partisan and eminently qualified director who would never get fired. Especially because of the ongoing Russia investigation. Except that is exactly what happened, and why it happened. The President admitted as much.
When the hell was Comey ever seen as an even-handed, non-partisan, eminently qualified director? Was this proof copy by Abrams approved by Comey before publishing?! This is the worst kind of sycophantic altar worship when it comes to presenting one-sided activist reporting that I’ve seen. But then again, coming from a guy who co-hosted The View, it shouldn’t surprise me. And since when does NOW accept single (not married, but having children with girlfriend out of wedlock…just saying) single, White, straight, metrosexual males as charter members?
Since then the “witch hunt” investigation into the Trump campaign and alleged collusion with the Kremlin has taken a decidedly more perilous and personal turn for the President. And that’s exactly why we think it won’t be longer than 100 days before Trump pulls the trigger and “Comey” Mueller (no he can’t technically fire him but he can certainly order it and make it happen). After all, as the campaign and his first few months in office prove, Trump puts his family above anything else. As information continues to seep out about the work that Mueller is doing and the subpoenas start coming, we believe the President will be increasingly frustrated and the administration will undoubtedly continue to seek to undermine Mueller’s credibility. And lets be clear, by any objective standard Mueller is an unassailable, apolitical public servant.
Really? The investigation has taken a “decidedly more perilous…turn for the President?” Has this guy not been reading the CBS News column by Dean Reynolds out of Chicago? According to CBS News just today, Trump is nearly 100% UNAFFECTED by this Russia collusion Leftist narrative? Oh, and by the way, Mr. Abrams, I challenge your assertion that “by any objective standard Mueller is an unassailable, apolitical public servant.” Excuse me while I laugh hysterically. You might be able to get away with calling Trump an idiot because his nominee disagreed with him. You might EVEN be able to get away with calling Comey “even-handed.” But to call Robert Mueller unassailable and apolitical? Have you completely lost your soul? I mean, I get it that Liberals think all their work is “objective,” but I’m here to tell you that no “objective standard” is EVER USED IN THE MAINSTREAM FAKE NEWS MEDIA! My God, man, there are whole novels written about how much of a Leftist political hack Mueller is! Are you kidding me?
Now, many are saying there is no way the administration would risk the fallout from having Mueller fired. Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre” regularly invoked. But really? It seems no matter what this President does — no matter how out of the ordinary or mainstream — that his most ardent supporters in the public and the media continue to defend him. Most important is that now that many are questioning whether his son Donald Trump Jr. committed, at the least, an election law crime when he took a meeting with someone who he thought was working for the Russian government. And, as investigators are now reportedly probing Jared Kushner‘s role in potentially helping to direct a Russian operation targeting voters with fake news about candidate Hillary Clinton, and as the specter of obstruction of justice in connection with firing Comey hangs over the President and his administration, we believe it now more likely than not that Trump will decide that Mueller must go.
“…Many are questioning whether his son Donald Trump Jr. committed, at the least, an election law crime when he took a meeting with someone who he thought was working for the Russian government.” This is all so breathtakingly inaccurate and falls directly under and is the precise definition of FAKE NEWS.
NOTE TO JOURNALIST MAJORS: If you want to know how NOT to be a Leftist hack, please do exactly the opposite of what Abrams is doing here.
First, who are the “many” that are questioning Trump Jr.’s motives? Just to answer that, the “many” refers to the Leftist press, the Democrats, and the RINOs. Secondly, Trump Jr. has NEVER STATED THAT HE MET WITH THESE PEOPLE BECAUSE HE THOUGHT THEY WERE WORKING FOR THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT! How STUPID does Abrams think that Trump Jr. is to have made such a bold-faced moronic claim as that? Seriously. Does Abrams really have that much of a low opinion of the American people to think that we believe a man running his father’s billion-dollar-empire is that much of an idiot?
Yes there would be major fallout both practically and politically but his fervent supporters would applaud the decision. We predict some lower level justice department official would get promoted (after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein quits or is fired) and take responsibility for the decision. Among the reasons they will likely cite:
– Mueller’s friendship with Comey (the ultimate in disingenuous circular reasoning)
– Some other yet to be discovered and invented bias on the part of Mueller and his team
– The cost of the investigation
– The need to focus on “more important” issues
This is not to say that Trump or anyone in his administration is guilty of any crime. That is for the Special Counsel to decide, unless of course, President Trump decides that it is not. And we predict that within 100 days that he will do just that. The clock starts now.
Well, Mr. Abrams, I’m going to see your prediction and raise you another one! I predict that not only will this “witch hunt” go on unabated for 2+ years (with undoubtedly “explosive new evidence” every other week…I mean, the Leftist press is going to require something to keep them up and running on slow news days) but it will finally be wrapped up, one or two flunkeys will have been lambasted by Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer to the point where they’re demanding his/her head, then the books will be closed, no real evidence of anything will be found, hundreds of millions will have been spent in this effort to impeach the president by proxy, and finally, the conspiracy theorists will proffer that perhaps Trump’s nefarious players “got to” Mueller and threatened his family, essentially scaring him off from the investigation.
TRANSLATION: Mueller will not be fired. Trump will not be proven wrong. Democrats will continue to bitch and moan. Case closed.
P.S. News is spelled N-E-W-S. And fake is spelled L-E-F-T.
Source: Law Newz / New Republic
If they fo not find something they will make something up. We all know that, we hope not but i will not be surprised. Why isn’t a Republican on the panel? Why all Clinton supporters? I see the handwriting on the wall
Dacia Johnson Yea! miracles do happen!
Fire him now!
Ahh, James Henry, the one post runaway liberal buttwipe.
James Henry, this should explain what happened to democrats this election.
Mueller is a waste of taxpayer money as is this russia story. Obama did succeed in turning us into a third world look alike.
He should have fired him after Comey’s testimony.