Mexican ex-President Vicente Fox once said that the United States and Mexico should just merge. He believes that Canada, the United States and Mexico should become an prototype of the European Union, a North American Union, if you will, using a single currency at the expense of Canada and America’s sovereignty.
It is no wonder he responded to Trump’s, “I will make Mexico pay for the wall”, with such vehement vulgarity. His vision for his country Mexico is three nations under one flag and a wall certainly would put that fantasy to rest.
His exact words, “I’m not going to pay for that f*cking wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money,” he told Fusion this past Thursday, in an interview.
Trump tweeted out, “FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!”
View Fox’ swearing off the wall on the next page.
Yeah, I’ll bet you do asshat.
Get real………..
Hell might as well 50 percent of his people are already here and taking care of
Why would we combine with your failing criminal country get real you bring nothing to the table except drug lords
News Alert: We’re building the wall AND hiring cheap Mexican labor, and YES they WILL pay for the wall and yes it just got 10ft. taller. Now tell us what you know about Fast&Furious.
What? and then we will be as crappie as Obama ‘ s slimy left wing trash heap
Donna..I think you need to read history…..We had a thing called.”the Spanish American war……Spain lost and we grained a lot of. SPAIN’S TERRIORIES…..AND WE. ACTUALLY grained. hundreds of miles further south of border . We. chooseed to make border along natural borderaies…..the river and other natural spots…Mexico was a terrority before that and there was rebellions ect all the time. We didn’t steal it like they have. been teaching their kids …..we also didn’t bought.
Before the Spanish/American War, we had the Mexican/American War. The Spanish/American War was if I am not mistaken in 1898. Lynn, you are correct, just about 50 years off.
The US can’t afford to absorb the people that would need free healthcare, welfare, the crime, the gangs, the drug cartels, plus we have enough corrupt politicians! Why would we want any more!
Sure he does..more dollars for him..such a fraud..