Vicente Fox, former Mexican President, is certainly making waves with his recent exchanges with Donald Trump. Most recently, Fox lashed out at Trump’s wall building promise saying,
“I’m not going to pay for that f*cking wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money,” he told Fusion in an interview.
In Trump like fashion, he tweeted back, “FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!”
Now, in an interview with Greta Van Susteren, “On the Record,” Fox made some very harsh statements, for which Trump may demand another apology.
Greta asked him, “I read over the weekend that you referred to Donald Trump as…like, Hitler. Ws that just you getting hot under the collar or do you believe that?”
Read Vicente Fox’ response on the following page. Spoiler alert… he does believe it!
Yup, Fast and Furious courtesy of Obama and Rahm Emmanuel.
fk that narco
OMG! Like he would know…..
The president of Mexico don’t want the wall built because he’s getting rid of all of his thugs
Renate, if you did your research you would find that it was a reporter who said ” trump voters are so loyal he could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot someone and not lose his supporters”. When a Trump repeated it, he was mocking the reporter but of course, the media grabbed that sound bite and ran with it. Apparently the media accomplished what they wanted because you believed it.
Mexico should just ‘SHUT UP’
So is this the more corrupt cutting down the less corrupt??
Renate, Trump is a businessperson! He didn’t create NAFTA nor any other agreements for trade. Like Ross Perot, he predicted what would happen with outsourcing and US job loss. So what had Trump The Businessman done wrong or illegal by his clothing line? Haven’t you heard the man saying he wants all these agreements renegotiated so American workers can have an equal opportunity? Haven’t you heard him repeatedly say, Businesses need a reason to stay in the USA?
What’s the matter your drug lords threatening to cut off your payments if Trump is elected
Yo, fool how much money did you get from the Cartels ?