Vicente Fox, former Mexican President, is certainly making waves with his recent exchanges with Donald Trump. Most recently, Fox lashed out at Trump’s wall building promise saying,
“I’m not going to pay for that f*cking wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money,” he told Fusion in an interview.
In Trump like fashion, he tweeted back, “FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!”
Now, in an interview with Greta Van Susteren, “On the Record,” Fox made some very harsh statements, for which Trump may demand another apology.
Greta asked him, “I read over the weekend that you referred to Donald Trump as…like, Hitler. Ws that just you getting hot under the collar or do you believe that?”
Read Vicente Fox’ response on the following page. Spoiler alert… he does believe it!
Well mexico president isnt nothing but drug runners
scares him because he knows america under trump wont allow his military to cross our borders and take pot shots at our border guards and the criminal element trying to leave mexico will be stuck with the criminal element trying to stay and rule mexico
Did you study history? Furthermore why are you the x Mexican president. What Donald Trump is or isnt is none of your concern. Are you trying to scare the American voter?
What True American REALLY CARES what a FORMER Mexican President HAS TO SAY ABOUT ANY AMERICAN???
More like Stalin. $#%&!@*wouldent invite refugees in to rape his country
Shut up Mexico
Trump will build the wall
A lit of room to talk with your corruption and drug dealers! So shut up!
#Donald Trump for President! S.E. Michigander YES I Campaign/ Vote(voted) for TRUMP and will not back down!!!
They won’t pay for it willingly for sure but if he is elected they will pay. Do you know the US gives 52 billion dollars a year to Mexico? He could easily use that to build it or have you noticed all the c**p that’s sold in the US that’s made in Mexico? Right now there is no tariff or trade tax on Mexican products sold here. He could easily implement such a thing so if Mexico wants to continue to sell their stuff in the US they will have to pay to do so. That’s also the same thing he said about China. So, I believe it is entirely possible that one way or another they will pay for it whether they want to or not. Btw it’s huge not hugh. I’m not a trump supporter but I see the possibilities.