Vicente Fox, former Mexican President, is certainly making waves with his recent exchanges with Donald Trump. Most recently, Fox lashed out at Trump’s wall building promise saying,
“I’m not going to pay for that f*cking wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money,” he told Fusion in an interview.
In Trump like fashion, he tweeted back, “FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!”
Now, in an interview with Greta Van Susteren, “On the Record,” Fox made some very harsh statements, for which Trump may demand another apology.
Greta asked him, “I read over the weekend that you referred to Donald Trump as…like, Hitler. Ws that just you getting hot under the collar or do you believe that?”
Read Vicente Fox’ response on the following page. Spoiler alert… he does believe it!
That bull$#%&!@*thay dont know what$#%&!@*was like thay bunch stupped ass
How about 40 feet high electrified, and 40 feet of concrete base. Then vibration and sound sensors to detect tunneling and sniper stations 500 yards inside the border, along with concertina wire.
Truth and action is garbage they post anything for hits even garbage
one Hilary will be like$#%&!@* two Trumps not a profit Trumps we the peoples point man and we are coming for your globalist$#%&!@*s, that i can guarentee.
Mexico can suck eggs!
Media has to keep stiring the pot.
Real high and Mexico pays
The Donald said after that comment….The Wall just got 10 feet taller….Not how, just in his mind
Here comes$#%&!@*u dummies trump is dishonest trash an all talk u will see. U will all see how dirty he is
Look who is talking the president of gang members Rats!!!!