Vicente Fox, former Mexican President, is certainly making waves with his recent exchanges with Donald Trump. Most recently, Fox lashed out at Trump’s wall building promise saying,
“I’m not going to pay for that f*cking wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money,” he told Fusion in an interview.
In Trump like fashion, he tweeted back, “FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!”
Now, in an interview with Greta Van Susteren, “On the Record,” Fox made some very harsh statements, for which Trump may demand another apology.
Greta asked him, “I read over the weekend that you referred to Donald Trump as…like, Hitler. Ws that just you getting hot under the collar or do you believe that?”
Read Vicente Fox’ response on the following page. Spoiler alert… he does believe it!
Fox the corrupt politician days are numbered.
the news is dominated today with how the GOP establishment can stop Trump.. I thought an election was supposed to be all about who the majority of the people wanted.. Well, the establishment is telling us loud and clear that what the people wants is not important.. The special interests that fill their pockets is all that matters.. The liberal media is falling in line with them because they know Trump is the one that can beat hillary…And hillary will be president because the establishment and the media will destroy trump because the american people will never stand together. These politicians have no experience in business which is evident in the condition this country is in..If everyone does not wake up and take a stand for Trump then our country is finished..
How come Fox can build a wall on his southern border, but Trumps a racist for building one on his northern border?
Vincente you are an asswipe
These people are so afraid Trump might do something to help the US and not some other country.
And you keep your people down ..and eat like a king dumass
I disagree. If you went back to the first debate, the entire precedent was set by Megyn Kelly and her first question directed at Trump. No other Presidential debate has ever had such biased intent to take out a candidate, at least that I have ever witnessed thus far in elections as far back as Reagan. With that said, it went downhill from there. It was as if carte blanche was given…open season from pundits, political hacks, puppet journalists…hell bent on hurling insults and badgering Trump. Any time he responded to an accusation or defended himself the libtwit media seemed to have forgotten the origination of the feud…and it always fell on Trump….in my opinion, he didn’t start feuds, he finished them.
I do not believe this man left a very comfortable life to ruin America. I believe as do many that he is genuinely disgusted at the 19 trillion debt, the unfathomable deals with countries like Iran, TPP…fluid borders, the VA corruption and deplorable treatment of our veterans, Islamic indoctrination in our schools with Common Core, executive orders, 92 million Americans out of work…
He didn’t turn 1 million dollars into a 9 Billion dollar empire sitting on his laurels.
Now, the GOP has dispatched their flying monkeys to try and stop him from trying to fix this very broken country.
No try the thing in office that’s pure eveil….u think people are that slow…