Vicente Fox, former Mexican president, does not like Donald Trump too much. Tweeting a selfie, Fox stood with the ocean at his back, smiling broadly in the Cancun sun, while telling Trump “YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE”.
Fox has been quite vocal in his opinions regarding Trump and his plan to stop illegal immigration from Mexico.
For Mr. Fox, reported Truth and Action, the idea of a wall, one that Trump says he would make Mexico build and pay for, not only destroys the idea of one nation out of three, but made Fox spittin’ mad saying, “I’m not going to pay for that f*cking wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money!”
Fox once said that the United States and Mexico should just merge. He believes that Canada, the United States and Mexico should become an prototype of the European Union, a North American Union, if you will, using a single currency at the expense of Canada and America’s sovereignty.
Fortunately for Trump, he does not need to gain Fox’ support to win the election, though the Fox rants certainly won’t help Trump with the Hispanic vote.
View Fox’ Twitter rant to Trump on the next page.
We should stop fighting for stupid things, god is watching us. Nobody owns the wold.
Wow, it is like$#%&!@*being proud of his killing machine…..nothing to be proud of, Sir.
Hey screw you you p o s . can’t wait for Mr America to send them back.
My wife and I and other friends take a lot of maybe we will not go to Mexico anymore.a lot of their economy depends on cruise ships,besides the Caribbean is much nicer.
Build the Wall . If you want in we have a Door . Vote Donald Trump For President
Wow there is a lot of hate out there. When you verbally bash people what does that make you? You angry liberals need to let go of your hate
Fox is a hater
Let’s all move to Mexico illegally and then demand everything for free and demand they change their values and call them all racists and bigots if they don’t!!
Lol there’s a video on YouTube of a Mexico cop pulling a guy over and taking a pay off bribe to let him go