A former Marine, Kevin Wood, was recently banned from his daughter’s school, La Plata High School in La Plata, Maryland because he got into a heated discussion with the vice principal over a school lesson on Islam.
The lesson required students to list the benefits of Islam, which Wood objected to.
“I have witnesses that have said I did not threaten anybody,” Woods stated. “I don’t force my religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.”
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Principals and teachers acting like dictators in almost all schools. No christian teaching or praying; no muslim teaching or praying.
This Islamic takeover of this country is getting worse and worse. What happened to no religion in school. True, Islam is not a religion, it is a terrorist cult bent on destroying our country but we do not allow anything like that in our schools. This is not politically correct this is suicide of a great nation.
If anyone tried to teach Islam to my child, I would have confronted the principal and sued the school district and I would not allow my child in that class!
This has to end. This is our Country. Do we have to take it back – again?
There you go….you allowed it to go to far….
Wake up people!! Soon you will not have a country !!
time for the parants to go to that school and tkae hell with them
wtf… the person who works at the school & filled out the “no trespass report” prints & signs like a third grader…who are these idiots?
He has a right to question what his children is being taught.
What the hell country are we living in that kids cant say the pledge of allegience but their expected to study Islam??? Get outa here! I’d get a lawyer & blow this whole thing up! Thats b******t. Islam should not be taught in our schools for ANY reason. There needs to be a stop put to this b******t.