Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is releasing a new book in which he argues that the phrase “when serving in the militia” should be added to the Second Amendment.
The book is titled, “Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution”
The Second Amendment reads as follows: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
With Stevens’ proposed change: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms [when serving in the Militia] shall not be infringed.
Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is set to release a new book in which he argues that the phrase “when serving in the militia” should be added to the Second Amendment.
The book is titled, “Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution,” and the change Stevens has in mind for the Second Amendment would alter the language so as to render it a protection of a collective right instead of an individual one.
Moreover, it would be a right that the government–at all levels–could regulate without hesitation.
Currently, the Second Amendment reads:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Stevens’ contends that this was intended as a collective right only and that it was “limited in scope to the uses of arms related to military activity.”
According to The Washington Post, Stevens claims this was changed via the Supreme Court’s District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) decision. He says this decision suddenly introduced protections for “a civilian’s right to keep a handgun in his home for purposes of self-defense.”
Stevens says the McDonald v. Chicago (2010) decision furthered these changes by using “the due process clause of the 14th Amendment” to limit the ability of cities to ban the possession of handguns.
He says this can all be remedied by adding five words to the Second Amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms [when serving in the Militia] shall not be infringed
Strange that Joe Biden and Barrack Obama love Gun Control as much as Adolf Hitler did. They love war as much as Adolf Hitler did, too. They gave us Fast and Furious. Supported and armed Terrorists in Syria, fund, arm, and train Terrorists, now, and gave weapons to Iran, Egypt, and every other horrible dictatorship that wants war. They join with NATO to spread blood, death, and violence across Africa and the Middle East with the stupid War on Terror. Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, and John Kerry try to push China and Russia into a World War and they do not think United States citizens should be able to own a gun. No Incumbents. They have not fired Obama. Vote them out
Fire Barrack Obama and Joe Biden.
The United States funded the violence in the Ukraine. We do not need World War III.
The War on Terror across Africa and the Middle East is more wrong than our War in Vietnam and for some reason few people in the United States express any regret for the civilians being murdered there by NATO and the United State’s covert and Drone War.
How can anyone who was against the War in Vietnam love the blood, death, destruction, and violence brought to us by the War on Terror.
No Incumbents.
If NATO or the United States had any respect for human life or sovereign borders the War on Terror would end, today.
Americans died. Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice lied.
The United States and NATO are behind practically all the violence in the world.
The delays in the most horrible parts of Obamacrap are only good for the Incumbents who have not fired Eric Holder and Obama. If Obamacrap is so wrong and bad, Repeal it and get rid of the 45 New Taxes and Tax Increases that came with it. Why did the horribly corrupt IRS get control of the Obamacrap monster?
Our current Senate and House gave us the horribly stupid War on Terror that is costing us trillions of dollars and giving the Terrorists the hate, death, destruction, and Media attention they want.
Our current Senate and House gave us the NDAA, Common Core Education, the Cyber Security Bill, and all all of our Federal Agencies under the direction of Eric Holder, Joe Biden, and Barrack Obama to grow more and more corrupt.
Fire Obama, Biden, Holder, and Kerry.
Barrack Obama and Eric Holder should have been fired after Fast and Furious.
Barrack Obama should have been fired the first time he wrote an Executive Order that changed our Law. Fire him and shred all of his Executive Orders.
We have Immigration Laws, they have not been Repealed.
No Incumbents.
We should have not supported the Terrorists in the Civil War in Syria and we should not be financeing and supporting Terrorists, now.
The United States funded and supported the violence in the Ukraine.
Is there violence or Terrorism anywhere in the world that is not being supported and funded by groups like the National Endowment for Democracy with the support of our current Administration?
Vote them out, they have not fired Obama. Obama hates Christians, hates the Untied States, hates the Constitution of the United States. Obama loves Terrorists and has the United States supporting, financing, and training Terrorists.
No Incumbents
. They have not fired Barrack Obama.
Shall not be infringed.
One word “senile”!
Well, lucky for us that is NOT what the Founders said.
no! times 10000000!
NEVER add these words…it would change the intent of our Constitution written by our forefathers….to arm our citizens against oppressors & enable to keep our freedoms!!!!
Stevens, you are just a worn out old $#%&!@*, gone senile, never very smart.