Despite her supposedly “stellar” record as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton just keeps on racking up criticism from foreign leaders.
Contrary to what ardent Hillary supporters believe, their candidate of choice is not nearly as well-liked outside the US as they have convinced themselves that she is. Far from appreciating the “humanitarian” efforts of her and Bill’s Clinton Foundation, political figures from nations meant to benefit from its initiatives claim that it has done nothing more than make them rich as the people it is supposed to help continue suffering.
The latest person to level this charge against the foundation was none other than former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq. Issuing a statement that has been shared on Donald Trump’s campaign website, the former Haitian leader condemned the Clintons for exploiting the devastating earthquake that struck the island nation in 2010 to enrich themselves at the expense of the Haitian people.
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LSD’s (LIberal Socialist Demos), Media, and Welfare parasites, support the Clinton’s Corruption
yes, they did and Bill Clinton was the chief thief!!!
This is true, the clintons use anything to get filthy rich and the people the are supposed to be helping are still waiting. I remember this and they two have to be stopped
Sounds like the Clinton’s we know and don’t love!
Well they needed the money to buy all the special groups they have working for them.
How many people died that shouldn’t have because they stole billions in “administration fees”. Do they care or show remorse, No.
Only despicable people would harm someone they were supposed to help. Self-serving, evil people, the Clintons.
Yes they “collected” money to rebuild Haiti after the first devastation years ago,spent a little bit of money and left the rest in the Clinton Foundation.