Despite her supposedly “stellar” record as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton just keeps on racking up criticism from foreign leaders.
Contrary to what ardent Hillary supporters believe, their candidate of choice is not nearly as well-liked outside the US as they have convinced themselves that she is. Far from appreciating the “humanitarian” efforts of her and Bill’s Clinton Foundation, political figures from nations meant to benefit from its initiatives claim that it has done nothing more than make them rich as the people it is supposed to help continue suffering.
The latest person to level this charge against the foundation was none other than former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq. Issuing a statement that has been shared on Donald Trump’s campaign website, the former Haitian leader condemned the Clintons for exploiting the devastating earthquake that struck the island nation in 2010 to enrich themselves at the expense of the Haitian people.
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Hope this comes up in one of the debates
They’re Clintons. That is just what they do.
But these Black Lives don’t seem to matter either?
Stole Billions and Billions and still running for the Nations Highest Office. Only in America.
These poor people were promised help and aide that never came because the Clinton’s are greedy. George HW Bush was part of this too. I think when the names of Republican’s and Democrat’s come out that are associated with The Clinton Foundation, we are going to be surprised of the names and the number of people involved. They are ALL part of Globalism and that is NOT good for America.
She is smiling at them as she takes all the countrys money!!
more of her corruption and money laundrying crooked THUG……and she calls TRUMP a liar…she better look in the damn mirror…the$#%&!@*
This is the truth about Hillary Clinton and the black vote… dis-ease
Stupid$#%&!@*idiots! She didn’t steal anything, that was their donation to her presidential campaign. Damn these peasants are stupid!