Despite her supposedly “stellar” record as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton just keeps on racking up criticism from foreign leaders.
Contrary to what ardent Hillary supporters believe, their candidate of choice is not nearly as well-liked outside the US as they have convinced themselves that she is. Far from appreciating the “humanitarian” efforts of her and Bill’s Clinton Foundation, political figures from nations meant to benefit from its initiatives claim that it has done nothing more than make them rich as the people it is supposed to help continue suffering.
The latest person to level this charge against the foundation was none other than former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq. Issuing a statement that has been shared on Donald Trump’s campaign website, the former Haitian leader condemned the Clintons for exploiting the devastating earthquake that struck the island nation in 2010 to enrich themselves at the expense of the Haitian people.
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Orange Monkey lies
They Know she is Crooked and one more corrupt thing she has done that is inhuman to people. Exploiting people for money, how low can you get. Shame on hillary and bill. !!!
whydont the media talk about this the cintons is crooked as they come
Jon Levine
But Trump says mean things!!!
Defined by Noah Webster dictionary: VI’TIATE, v.t. [L. vitio. See vice and Viciate.]
1. To injure the substance or qualities of a thing, so as to impair or spoil its use and value. Thus we say, luxury vitiates the humors of the body; evil examples vitiate the morals of youth; language is vitiated by foreign idioms.
This undistinguishing complaisance will vitiate the taste of readers.
2. To render defective; to destroy; as the validity or binding force of an instrument or transaction. Any undue influence exerted on a jury vitiates their verdict. Fraud vitiates…( FRAUD, n. [L. fraus.]
Deceit; deception; trick; artifice by which the right or interest of another is injured; a stratagem intended to obtain some undue advantage; an attempt to gain or the obtaining of an advantage over another by imposition or immoral means, particularly deception in contracts, or bargain and sale, either by stating falsehoods, or suppressing truth…)(. ( MONEY, n. plu. moneys.
1. Coin; stamped metal; any piece of metal, usually gold, silver or copper, stamped by public authority, and used as the medium of commerce. We sometimes give the name of money to other coined metals,and to any other material which rude nations use a medium of trade. But among modern commercial nations, gold, silver and copper are the only metals used for this purpose. Gold and silver, containing great value in small compass, and being therefore of easy conveyance, and being also durable and little liable to diminution by use, are the most convenient metals for coin or money, which is the representative of commodities of all kinds, of lands, and of every thing that is capable of being transferred in commerce.
3. Wealth; affluence…
When….. Please tell me when..
Before or after this corruption is back in the white house.
The Clintons day will come maybe not on this earth but when they face God-he will cast them straight to hell
And they are trying to do it again.