Traditional Beliefs Include Murder, Stoning
The cleric agreed that ISIS reflects what is written in their holy books and Islamic principals, and the only problem that really exists is how those beliefs are acted out from a public relations aspect.
“We do not criticize the thought on which it is based, such as the concept of apostasy,” states Al-Kilbani, suggesting that executions are justifiable for people who leave Islam, but that the “brutal” way in which ISIS kills people, “ruins our image in front of the world.”
“If we execute them in a way what does not show us in a bad light, then that’s fine,” he adds.
Al-Kilbani goes on to emphasize that ISIS is not acting outside of the framework of the Salafist doctrine embraced by Saudi Arabia and is merely following what is mandated in the Koran.
The Imam’s admission that many Muslims share the same radical beliefs as ISIS is merely in line with Pew research that shows intolerance pervades the Muslim world, with significant majorities in many middle eastern and north African countries supporting the execution of people who leave the faith, as well as the death penalty for homosexuals and alleged adulterers.
During a conference held in May 2013, Norwegian Islamic leader Fahad Qureshi complained that the media often frames views such as “the death penalty for homosexuals” or the subjugation of women as only being held by radical Muslims.
“I always try to tell them that….these are general views that every Muslim actually has….every Muslim believes in these things,” said Qureshi.
It is surprising that Western liberals insist that these types of beliefs are not truly Islamic, when not recognizing the huge divide between Islamic philosophy and Western belief could spell the end to Western style civilization. The true belief system of Islam includes the complete conversion of the entire world to Islam, and the total subjugation or death of non-believers.
That was the belief of the Muslim faith back in the 7th century, and it has continued for 1,400 years. The ability to impose that ethic has been inconsistent over the ages, but it is folly for the West to ignore the ultimate aim of Islam in general.
Muslims should all be deported out of the United States!
To all of the Muslim, refugee and immigrant haters: How about this; get the count on all of the murders in the US last year, remember count all of them. Then find out the percentage of murders committed by terrorists, Muslims, refugees and illegal immigrants. After that, go find out the percentage of killings performed by family member to family member, including husbands and wives. If the family member number is bigger wouldn’t it be smarter to deport family members instead of stopping Muslims, refugees and immigrants from coming in?
F**k muslims….Muhammad was a false prophet pig fucker and you’re all going to burn in hell.
….but that’s not what obuma said……….oh, obuma told another lie…………… bad
All muslims abled bodied Men and Woman should be fighting in their home land for the ALi they LOVE. look at the pictures of those that invaded France and Germany…so many strong young men…while they invade the western world and live off the furits, NON-MUSLIMS DIE! LET THEM FIGHT THEIR OWN BATTLES!! if they are true muslims they will previl. the longer they lay up in the west the more we see that they are FAKES, go fight for what you get down on your knees for.
By this admission they are illegal and need to be arrested and taken from this nation
Is it even possible to execute someone without looking like an$#%&!@*?
No such thing as a moderate they are all radical. Their religion is of a moon god and pedophiles