A former Guantanamo prisoner who was released on 2012 has shown up in an Al-Qaeda propaganda video.
Ibrahim Al Qosi, a former Guantánamo detainee, has re-joined Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), recommitting to waging jihad against the West following his release from the detention facility.
“We placed America in the top of our list same as America placed us in the top of the list,” Qosi says in the video produced by the Al Qaeda Yemen branch, promising to continue his fight against the United States. “The war is not over yet,” he adds.
While in detention, Al Qosi said he waged war against the U.S. due to his “religious duty to defend Islam and fulfill the obligation of jihad and that the war between America and Al Qaeda is a war between Islam and aggression of the infidels,” according to the Joint Task Force-Guantanamo.
In 2010, he plead guilty in a plea bargain deal that saw the jihadi serve a shorter sentence. He would later be transferred in July 2012 to Sudan, where the Al Qaeda leader would be moved into what was described as a “re-integration program.” Sudan, the former homebase of Osama bin Laden, is a hotbed for Islamic radicalism, and is led by warlord President Omar al-Bashir.
Qosi linked up with AQAP in 2014 and now serves in a position of leadership in the Al Qaeda outfit, according to The Long War Journal.
Source: Breitbart
This leads me to ask: at what point did Obama’s prison officials decide this man was fit for release? Why wasn’t he executed as a combatant, if his claim of waging war against America while in prison is to be believed? Thanks to Obama’s disastrous foreign policy choices, we are actually sending extremist militants back OUT into the field to plan and kill potentially hundreds of innocents, if not more.
And that suprises who !!!!! lol