From Weasel Zippers:
Kallstrom said he was “very upset” by the “migrant stream” into Europe which he believed was “orchestrated to a large extent”. “It’s very scary and it’s something we have to do something about”, Kallstrom said. “You know the fact that these folks travel from Europe and here in the United States and get training and then they come back to the countries, to me is just crazy and preposterous. And I don’t know how we we are continuing to do this thing.”
The former Assistant Director pulled no punches when asked about the endgame of this administration’s current policy:
KALLSTROM: This will sound very hard-hearted. We haven’t had enough people die here in the United States. I mean that’s the way it is. […] Here’s the President this morning saying that ISIS is contained, of all days to pick him to say that. I mean is that an exclamation point or is that an exclamation point?
KELLY: On top of that, the quote on those is the American blood is best. And we will taste it soon.
The time for a serious discussion about what qualifies someone as refugee is past due. When establishment type career men talk like this, you know they are scared.
Source: Weaselzippers
Americans who agree that Obama/Accomplices should be charged with Treason
You think! Don’t worry about it though, our treasonous leader has it all under control
Exactly part of their agenda wake up America!