Much of the reaction to the firing of FBI Director James Comey by President Donald Trump has been predictable. With the Democrats desperate for any reason to damage or obstruct the president, we are getting their typical reaction. They are calling for investigations, claiming the this amounts to obstruction of justice by the Trump administration, and are calling for the impeachment and removal of President Trump himself.
This is all very ironic in that Hillary Clinton, enabled by the corrupt Obama administration, committed a whole array of offenses, this mishandling of which by Mr. Comey is part of the reason he is out of a job.
As the fallout from the president’s decision to fire the FBI director continues, it can be a relief from the histrionics to get a more dispassionate evaluation of the situation from someone who has served in the FBI and who thus can offer an insider’s view of the matter.
More on page two.
Could be right that’s what so scary
Birds of a feather flock together!!!
A Special Investigation is called for in the case of the Clintons nefarious activities.
Comey has been friends with the Clinton’s for years. I bet he has been paid many times over to look the other way and cover up their crimes. Comey has received MILLIONS from The Clinton Foundation! In recent times, Comey looked the other way for Hillary, Obama and Lynch and I bet Obama, Hillary and/or Soros paid Comey to cover up their crimes too.
I doubt very much she is personally afraid. After all she has slithered through every scandal that has ever been brought against her.
Who cares about Hillary and Comey? They are barely relevant anymore and whatever they did in the past does not excuse what the current administration is involved with… we have a President that prefers to take the word of a Putin over the U.S. Intelligence community about Russians meddling in the 2016 election… we have senior Trump officials indicted for Conspiracy against the United States… we have members to Trump’s team that knowingly and regularly made contact with Russian operatives (not a crime) and then lied about it under oath (is a crime)… Deflect and distract all you want. Maybe the weak minds will pay attention but the rest of us see what’s really going on.
Shut up you commie
Comey is part of the of the Clinton cartel
Stay tuned for
Arthur Bramlett your boy Trump is rubbing up against Putin and I’m the comie