Much of the reaction to the firing of FBI Director James Comey by President Donald Trump has been predictable. With the Democrats desperate for any reason to damage or obstruct the president, we are getting their typical reaction. They are calling for investigations, claiming the this amounts to obstruction of justice by the Trump administration, and are calling for the impeachment and removal of President Trump himself.
This is all very ironic in that Hillary Clinton, enabled by the corrupt Obama administration, committed a whole array of offenses, this mishandling of which by Mr. Comey is part of the reason he is out of a job.
As the fallout from the president’s decision to fire the FBI director continues, it can be a relief from the histrionics to get a more dispassionate evaluation of the situation from someone who has served in the FBI and who thus can offer an insider’s view of the matter.
More on page two.
Douglas Murison, your comment is the dumbest load of trash we’ve heard. There’s more than enough evidence against the DNC,Hillary, Obama, Lynch,Comey,Podesta and others..actual evidence but you find it hard to believe. There’s “No” evidence against Trump but you believe everything CNN,MSNBC,ABC and the rest of the bias MSM told you. It’s people like you that the corrupt are counting on. They pray that people like you will believe whatever they tell you and hope you don’t need evidence to get you to believe it!! New name for you and those alike should be $#%&!@* because you swallow whatever you’re fed!!!
Bo,don’t know squat!! Go check your facts again. Hillary received $140M from Russia for signing off of 20% of US uranium!!
Hopefully Trump can get the FBI streightened out. I also am waiting for the investigation to start on HIM. I want him to go to JAIL and all his friends that helped in all the cases. Clinton e mails, fast and furious, bengosi , Russia medling into OUR voting machines, murders close to Clinton.
He’s e devil. Hes not scared. Believe me.he’s arrogant and thinks his money will protect him and just because he tells a reporter pizza gates been debunked??? The whole wold is laughing at You Skippy. One of these kids are going to escape and come after you. And may God bless your soul then. Or a parent.
Two criminals
Awwwwww, poor Jeffie, I think all his kidney stones went to his brain.
[ Ayup ]The Democrats as a parry are in a systemic decline. They lost 8000 state legislatures in the last elections. Not since the Civil War have the Republicans had FULL control of 25 states . Democrats have six ,and we all know why .
Go to jail, directly to jail.
The truth will come out about ALL the SWAMP people…