Much of the reaction to the firing of FBI Director James Comey by President Donald Trump has been predictable. With the Democrats desperate for any reason to damage or obstruct the president, we are getting their typical reaction. They are calling for investigations, claiming the this amounts to obstruction of justice by the Trump administration, and are calling for the impeachment and removal of President Trump himself.
This is all very ironic in that Hillary Clinton, enabled by the corrupt Obama administration, committed a whole array of offenses, this mishandling of which by Mr. Comey is part of the reason he is out of a job.
As the fallout from the president’s decision to fire the FBI director continues, it can be a relief from the histrionics to get a more dispassionate evaluation of the situation from someone who has served in the FBI and who thus can offer an insider’s view of the matter.
More on page two.
Killary is a Traitor Jail Her Guantanamo then Hang
The “guilty” look.
“Oh, c**p. They found out” look.
Go to jail.
Comey really should be doing time over his roll in obstructing investigations of many people. It’s a sad commentary that people just can’t uphold the law without letting their personal feelings getting in the way.
Let Sessions put Hillary under grand jury scrutiny..Let a grand jury clear the waters of the inner State who drive in whatever lane they please acting as investigator, prosecuter, gead of the DOJ and becomes judge and jury..Its not the way the juducial system works..And when you play politics with criminal intent people must answer for it..That includes Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and a host of others who interfered in our justice sttstem for political purposes.
We all know their crooks and liars,but nothing will be done!!!just like this site!
Bull S**t
Sad!!!! Was wanting to read this, then came page 2 .
From Hillary Clinton destroying thousands of emails which she was under federal order to hand over to the justice department to her husband walking on to Loretta Lynchs plane while his wife was under federal investigation is unbelievable. Despite all this B******T Hillary destroyed by the thousands emails, the same emails she was supposed to turn over to Justice. All this and Comey feels she did so without malice or malicious intent.
Jeff Lacy your an idiot. Intent has nothing to do with it and even if it did using bleach-bit shows intent. Your a moron.
Comey is complicit