Much of the reaction to the firing of FBI Director James Comey by President Donald Trump has been predictable. With the Democrats desperate for any reason to damage or obstruct the president, we are getting their typical reaction. They are calling for investigations, claiming the this amounts to obstruction of justice by the Trump administration, and are calling for the impeachment and removal of President Trump himself.
This is all very ironic in that Hillary Clinton, enabled by the corrupt Obama administration, committed a whole array of offenses, this mishandling of which by Mr. Comey is part of the reason he is out of a job.
As the fallout from the president’s decision to fire the FBI director continues, it can be a relief from the histrionics to get a more dispassionate evaluation of the situation from someone who has served in the FBI and who thus can offer an insider’s view of the matter.
More on page two.
These are the true traitors to America n we Americans Prosecute
Sooner or later, enough fortitude will come into the D.C. Politicians to help Trump drain the swamp and indict the corrupt on their criminal activities… until then… we hope.
If the at won’t press charges on these people can’t we make citizens arrest and get these criminals out of commission. They have more then evidence to arrest obummer on down and charge them.all.
The complete Obama Administration to include the DOJ needs to be investigated for corruption.
He played. The wrong hand. He was sure Hillary would win. Just like so many other democrats. So. Now you have to play the cards your delt with. Which happens to be a pair of duces. Lol
Let it go people.
Who the$#%&!@*cares just arrest these two charge them and loose the fucken key
It’s simple she’s a crook needed to be prosecuted the case needs to be reopened,Comey was in her pocket did a lousy job needed to be fired they both should be heading to prison for the crimes they committed together along with Obama,Lynch,Holder,Rice oh the list is long
Well wont be long now till he shoots himself in the back twice like the others that committed suicide
He cover up for her