Much of the reaction to the firing of FBI Director James Comey by President Donald Trump has been predictable. With the Democrats desperate for any reason to damage or obstruct the president, we are getting their typical reaction. They are calling for investigations, claiming the this amounts to obstruction of justice by the Trump administration, and are calling for the impeachment and removal of President Trump himself.
This is all very ironic in that Hillary Clinton, enabled by the corrupt Obama administration, committed a whole array of offenses, this mishandling of which by Mr. Comey is part of the reason he is out of a job.
As the fallout from the president’s decision to fire the FBI director continues, it can be a relief from the histrionics to get a more dispassionate evaluation of the situation from someone who has served in the FBI and who thus can offer an insider’s view of the matter.
More on page two.
The “RESIST” movement pushed by the democrats is just that!!! They should be charged with sedition when trying to utilize this tactic when not agreeing with the current government. What was it she said!!!? Those who choose to not accept the outcome of our election are a “threat” to our democracy!! That is exactly what you are seeing here!! The closer we get to EXPOSING the REAL crimes (Unsecured servers,DNC rigging,Clinton Foundation,obstruction and illegal use of spying and unmasking) the MORE violence you will see because it is all one big SMOKESCREEN!!!
Drain that big swamp! ..Trump Rocks!
He should be more frightened that he will die mysteriously for screwing up Hillary’s campaign.
Throw the book at them!!
Its got a new name Clinton Cartel….where she knew she won. Had a figure of killing off 31 thousand people a year. The pharmaceutical companies are involved. There is a cure for cancer some kinda honey bunch of stuff. I read this today it took 45 mins to READ or listen to. But they are trying to kill all of us. If I can find it I will post it made a lot of since
Sold his soul to the devil!
They are starting to come apart
The best is yet to come for these two.
Let them stick around for the bus to prison.
Keep trying, one day you will learn how to write.
I think it is just difficult for intelligent people to accept the BS your kind puts out.