Yet another high-ranking member of Obama’s Department of Defense has come forward with scathing criticism of the president.
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who served from 2012 to 2014 as chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, slammed Obama’s claim that he had no knowledge of the threat ISIS posed whatsoever prior to the group’s rampage across Iraq and Syria last year in an interview on Fox News. Noting that there are 16 different agencies both within and without the military involved in gathering intelligence, Flynn explained that it was flatly impossible for President Obama to have not received any information regarding the jihadist organization and thus ruling out a conspiracy of silence on the part of intelligence officials.
Instead, Flynn pinpoints the administration’s refusal to acknowledge the radical Muslim ideology driving ISIS and other terrorist groups, leading the president to dismiss ISIS as the “jayvee team” a couple months before the group took over large portions of the Middle East.
See Flynn’s interview on the next page:
Yeah not going to even contemplate a bite of this one. Jeff Melear. Just going to bide my time. And burst forth after your election cycle.
throw that goathumping moslem traitor out with the trash !!
This is the lame excuse this administration feeds to the Americans. Shame on you all
U said he didn’t wanna know, your all liers and you all know the details
Here’s another Fact… 169,000 criminal aliens deliberately released into the U.S. population by Obama administration
That pos already knew.. he just opted not to do anything about it…. this is the exact reason he should be HUNG FOR TREASON…
Obama doesn’t care about terrorism only to the fact that he can’t engage in fundamental transformation of the country from a super power and market economy. If we would get get out of the way then the world would be some ideal place…