Former DHS Officer Julia Davis shared concerns last year about 23 people crossing the border illegally and cites that the border director was accepting bribes.
She was promptly declared a ‘domestic terrorist’, with her home raided by dispatched a Blackhawk Helicopter SWAT raid on her home.
She was tracked by 8 officers at any time and was spied on through Onstar in her car.
Her story was censored from 60 minutes.
Domestic Terrorist = anyone speaking out against the government.
Welcome to the Land of The Free.
Jackbooted thugs.
this government has gone over board
Der Waffen SS
That is such B.S. They are the ones that need to be followed and spied on.
Obama just released 33,000 felony illegals to be set free from deportation. 476 sexual offenders 193 murders 303 kidnappings and 16,0000 Driving drunk with no drivers license to name a few.
23 Islamic terrorists are allowed into the country and this administration never made a statement about it. If this doesn’t tell the American people who is residing in the White House I don’t know what it will take.
Hi, I told my local PD, I thought there was a meth lab next door, but since the Mayor is his friend from way back he sent 15 officers,bomb squad, a hazmat team and an F-18 to my house, they planted drugs so I list my home car etc. If you believe that crazy broad you might as well believe me
Memorandum to Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff: Dear Mister Chertoff, I have a tip about where you may locate a domestic terrorist. He hangs out at a place called “Bob’s Dangling Diner,” located conveniently down by the Y. While you are there awaiting said domestic terrorist’s arrival, you may which to try the Blue Plate Special: A large and succulent tube steak and all the gravy you can eat. Cheers. That terroristic enough for ya, Mikey?
well I don’t think people crossing the border is a big deal unless they do something to harm another person..but most of them are just looking to better their lives..let them…
i mean yeah what they did to her was a little over board but the biotch should’ve minded her own business….if it don’t affect u leave it alone