Former DHS Officer Julia Davis shared concerns last year about 23 people crossing the border illegally and cites that the border director was accepting bribes.
She was promptly declared a ‘domestic terrorist’, with her home raided by dispatched a Blackhawk Helicopter SWAT raid on her home.
She was tracked by 8 officers at any time and was spied on through Onstar in her car.
Her story was censored from 60 minutes.
Domestic Terrorist = anyone speaking out against the government.
Welcome to the Land of The Free.
True. Home of the free bull$#%&!@*. Our government suck donkey nuts they help other countries then their own people. That’s why our poor get poorer and the rich gets richer.
This government is so corrupt!!!!
Obama is the biggest terrorist.
Something needs to be done about c**p like this . What about the whistle blower law ?
Craig: WE are the Government. WE get what we VOTE for
Not so free anymore