Former DHS Officer Julia Davis shared concerns last year about 23 people crossing the border illegally and cites that the border director was accepting bribes.
She was promptly declared a ‘domestic terrorist’, with her home raided by dispatched a Blackhawk Helicopter SWAT raid on her home.
She was tracked by 8 officers at any time and was spied on through Onstar in her car.
Her story was censored from 60 minutes.
Domestic Terrorist = anyone speaking out against the government.
Welcome to the Land of The Free.
This is some funny ass stuff, Truth an Action, you should be ashamed, this “lady” is a flat out nut job trying to make a buck, and whenever I hear main strwam nedia ignores story shoots up a giant red flare, people I challenge you, google Julia Davis, then think if you have 27 swat team members and a blackhawk helicopter coming to your door, neighbors are gonna talk. This is the $#%&!@* put out daily by both sides to further spread paranoia and divide the country
wow, you are just toooo smart.
Lord, Help Us!
Evidently in someone’s pocket!
so our vets fought ant died for what???
Like I told one of my senators this morning, just a buch of TRASH IN D C!!!!
I hate to say it, but I am not surprised!!!! I am scared of that character at the White House!
more commie bull$#%&!@*
Hell it has been going for a long time. the state’s should put up the fence , and the hell with DC.
Her! He! He! How do you idiots that voted for this administration like your hope and change now?
This is utterly ridiculous!! There is NOTHING our little Hitler will not do to silence people!