Former DHS Officer Julia Davis shared concerns last year about 23 people crossing the border illegally and cites that the border director was accepting bribes.
She was promptly declared a ‘domestic terrorist’, with her home raided by dispatched a Blackhawk Helicopter SWAT raid on her home.
She was tracked by 8 officers at any time and was spied on through Onstar in her car.
Her story was censored from 60 minutes.
Domestic Terrorist = anyone speaking out against the government.
Welcome to the Land of The Free.
tell the truth and your a terrorist….
thats how its done nowdays just accuse them of being “domestic terrorists” and its all over
All Americans for Prosperity or normal people have become domestic terrorist bring your whole family !!!!
Welcome to Obama’s Police State.
Shut down the criminal organization they call DHS and give their equipment and weapons to the FBI.
Since when was it the job of our Department of Homeland Security to harass, intimidate, and arrest little old ladies at yard sales and flea markets?
Shut down the Department of Homeland Security.
Our current Senators and Representatives have not seen to it that Obama has been arrested for Treason and that Eric Holder has been fired.
Vote every one of them out.
No Incumbents.
They have not fired Barrack Obama and Eric Holder.
Vote every one of them out.
Shut down the DHS, FCC, FED, IRS, EPA, the Bureau of Land Management and every other agency that has worked with Harry Reid, Eric Holder, Joe Biden, and Barrack Obama and is too corrupt and criminal to continue to function as it was designed to protect and serve the citizens of the Untied States and not act like a Terrorist Organization.
Arrest Barrack Obama for Treason. Fire Holder, Kerry, Biden, and every one of Obama’s Appointees.
Shred every one of Obama’s Executive Orders.
The only terrorist is the world government period
You should quit going to any yard sales or flea markets until after the DHS is shut down.
Everyone from Obama on down the line has their hands in the pockets of Cartels, and everyone else taking bribes
Proof we no longer live in a free country! When the government can take such drastic actions against an individual, this is the definition of tyranny! When the government can hide any criticism by bullying the media into stopping the truth from coming out, you know you live in a dictatorship! When they can tap into you car to record your conversation, you know you are living in a KGB style communist dictatorship! When the hell does the American people speak out and say they aren’t going to accept this anymore? This has increased ten fold under Obama and the democrats, still believe they have our best interest in mind? Time to demand the government stop these actions against citizens! Force congress and the senate to eliminate the president and government’s power to do things like this. Time to cancel the Patriot act and NDAA, the government has proven they can’t be trusted with the power given to them by the people!
The Government and all Agency’s associated with it are Terrorist! America has been attacked on it’s own soil and NO ONE does anything about it! We should all be storming the White House like they did in Egypt….at least they had guts!
Welcome to the Land of The Not So Free…