Former U.S Representative, Corrine Brown, was handpicked by prominent democrats for political office. She ticked off every major box: African-American, female, devious, greedy and world class liar. But, alas escape artist did not make the list of traditional leftist characteristics she would possess.
Her accomplishments still don’t rival that of the Clintons or even Obama, but the old gal still did her party proudly. Brown is facing up to 357 years in federal prison, $4.8 million in fines and potentially paying up to $893,000 in compensation orders.
Brown might have admitted to illegally misusing $80,000 of public money on Beyonce and Jacksonville Jaguars tickets. Sure she got caught paying homeless people to protest for the left. Yeah, she might have championed a new type of welfare for staff family where they got checks from the government for jobs they never worked, but that doesn’t equal all 357 years.
That’s just the top of the iceberg.
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Yea right
Need two cells one for just her lips
“But Hillary said this should work and I would get away with it”. lol
Maybe she should start crowing, she apparently got the idea crime is allowed in political office from seeing others do it…Speak up woman!!! Get it down to 300 years!!!
Go to jail, you have been found guilty of the crimes
Make room sweetpea….you are gonna have some company very soon!
Had she been convicted on all 22 of the charges, Brown faced a potential 357-year sentence. Reep told First Coast News, he calculates the possible term at 277 years given that Brown was acquitted on four counts.
In many criminal cases bearing multiple convictions, judges often ‘stack’ sentences to run concurrently. For example, five 20-year sentences often don’t add to a 100-year term. Instead, they can be served in one 20-year timeframe, or “concurrently.”
Reep told First Coast News, “It’s extraordinary to run them consecutive and I don’t think for any reason that would be the case here.”
FALSE: Although conceivable that Brown’s sentences could be laid out end-to-end totaling 277 years, it defies all likelihood, so we say it’s false.
This is some justice
Good riddance!!