Captain Joseph John, a highly experienced counter intelligence operative, former Arabic linguist for the SEALS and who has been previously employed by DHS and the FBI, states that Obama’s actions in the Middle East are leading us all into World War III.
Obama’s policies with Iran, as guided by chief advisor Valerie Jarrett, who is Iranian and likely Muslim, will augment an already overheated situation in the region into global pandemonium. Specifically, due to Obama allowing Iran to become a nuclear power, he will very likely force Israel to commit a preemptive nuclear strike.
It is also traitorous to endorse, support or defend this treasonous traitor…or any other anti American $#%&!@*.
Hating Americans is anti American I think??
I remember clearly two Australian prime ministers warning the people of America not to vote for the blackfeller did America listen no. So suck it up and stop your whining
I was not a Bush fan. Either one of them. Both undermined our Cons$#%&!@*ution and civil liberties. O is infinitely worse…hands down, no contest.
Hey Jim, the sky’s blue and my 401k is healthy and recovered nicely from W Bush and his economic meltdown.
And a war against the police! Of course some might say ha is.
Without the mexican vote…Adios Like your Failed Casino.
It’s the Truth!
@[687608051:2048:Noel Burnsed]
WHO “VOTED” FOR THIS muslim…..???