Captain Joseph John, a highly experienced counter intelligence operative, former Arabic linguist for the SEALS and who has been previously employed by DHS and the FBI, states that Obama’s actions in the Middle East are leading us all into World War III.
Obama’s policies with Iran, as guided by chief advisor Valerie Jarrett, who is Iranian and likely Muslim, will augment an already overheated situation in the region into global pandemonium. Specifically, due to Obama allowing Iran to become a nuclear power, he will very likely force Israel to commit a preemptive nuclear strike.
so that their imam can return immediately.
he isnt doing it because hese just stupid hese doing it because hese a sunni muslim and hese stupid
Your right and Hilary is worse
Read the bible. The man if peace is the white horse and Islam the black horse. The colors of the Mideast flags match the horses. It’s all been prophetic
we are in the dawn of wwiii due to obummer.
He’s an idiot and should have already been charged with treason !!!!!
That’s his goal to damage the country as much as he can, he hates American
Thank you for your service and please keep speaking out against Obama